April is Community College Month! In honor of the month and our students, Austin Community College District (ACC) shines the spotlight on Riverbats—the students who make our community college great.

Community College Month is a time dedicated to celebrating the significant contributions of community colleges to the educational landscape led by the Association of Community College Trustees.

Meet Summer, a computer programming student at ACC. She already has an English degree and became interested in software development. Summer returned to ACC to pursue a new degree in the field. She expects to graduate at the end of the fall 2024 semester.

Learn more about her ACC journey.

portrait of ACC student summer

What are your future career goals, and what made you interested in pursuing them?

Software development! I am drawn to building meaningful, high-quality experiences. I originally graduated with an English degree in 2016. However, in the fall of 2021, I started to play around with some free online coding tools– a venture that may or may not have been inspired by a Star Trek binge (thanks, holodeck!) It was the first time I had any exposure to programming, and it instantly felt like magic. The 11-year-old in me who was disappointed she never got her Hogwarts letter suddenly perked up. By the summer of 2022, I was enrolled at ACC to pursue a new degree in the programming field. So, whether I support new payment methods, design mental health apps, or find ways to make a database more efficient, I am excited for career opportunities to take this new wizarding skillset and continue learning.

What has your experience at ACC been like?

ACC has been a true game-changer. A special shout out to Jon-Mikel Pearson, who has shown me remarkable kindness and encouragement during our course counseling sessions and nothing less than a steadfast belief in my ability to succeed. ACC is constantly evolving and genuinely cares for all of its Riverbats. Having a community college in my backyard with such rich resources is a treasure.

How do you empower yourself to pursue your goals with confidence?

We are all little Earth pieces on this spinning space rock; none of us know what we are doing. When I am nervous about a goal, I ask what kind of reassurance I need. Would it help to know someone took the same chances I am considering and then succeeded? If yes, I remind myself that I can become that story. Everything is achieved one small step at a time.

What advice would you give other students to empower themselves to do the same?

Regularly listen to “I Have Confidence” from The Sound of Music and “It’s You I Like” from Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood.

What is an accomplishment you are proud of?

I am proud of participating in the 2023 UT Hackathon, a 24-hour coding competition culminating in presenting the final program to a panel of judges. Not long ago, this event would have been too overwhelming to consider. But ACC has reminded me that trying new things is what we should be the most proud of and is simply the only way we can grow. The three rules I repeated to myself before and throughout the hackathon were: one, show up; two, have fun; and three, learn something.

Is there anything else you’d like to add?

You matter. Your voice matters. Your experiences and perspectives are unique and invaluable. The world needs you. I believe this sincerely, and I know ACC does because I see them act on these beliefs daily.