While it may feel like the semester has just begun, now is the perfect time to start planning for what’s next—spring 2025. If you’re a current ACC student, there’s no need to reapply! 

You can begin preparing now by reviewing the course schedule, meeting with your advisor, and making sure everything is in place for a smooth registration process. Planning for spring registration isn’t something you have to tackle alone. The College encourages all students to meet with their advisor to make sure they are taking the classes they need to succeed.

Tips for a Successful Registration:

  • Review Your Degree Plan: Log in to MyACC to check that your courses align with your academic goals and degree plan.
  • Find the Right Courses: Use ACC’s Course Finder to explore classes that fit your schedule, and plan ahead using the Student Planning tool.
  • Clear Holds: Check your MyACC account for any holds that could block your registration and take care of them as soon as possible.
  • Plan for Tuition Payments: Make sure to pay your tuition by the deadlines to secure your spot in your chosen classes.

Key Dates:

October 14, 2024: Registration opens for current and former students.

October 18, 2024: New students can begin registering.

January 21, 2025: Spring semester begins.

For more information, PLAN NOW.