If it has been a while since you took a math course, these review sheets can help.
Visit the ACC math department’s website for current math prerequisite reviews. These are some of the course reviews available:
- MATD 0370 Elementary Algebra
- MATD 0390 Intermediate Algebra
- MATH 1333 Math for Measurement
- MATH 1342 Elementary Statistics
- MATH 1324 Math for Business
- MATH 1314 College Algebra
- MATH 1316 Trigonometry
- MATH 2412 Precalculus
- MATH 2413 Calculus I
If you need help with these problems, ask a friend or a tutor.
Don’t forget to look for free online applications with practice problems to solve.
IMPORTANT: Don’t be tempted to use these instead of taking the appropriate courses. Working these problems is not a substitute for taking a prerequisite course.
If you find that you need help on these problems, you can get help from a tutor, a math book, or Learning Lab computer software.
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