Faculty leadership is an integral part of globalizing ACC’s curriculum. Therefore, International Programs provides many professional development opportunities throughout the academic year.
Faculty Learning Communities (FLC)
What is a Faculty Learning Community?
An FLC is an interdisciplinary group committed to learning from each other to improve their teaching practice. FLC participants take an active role in shaping programming and discussions throughout the year.
Who runs this initiative?
The FLC is a collaborative effort between Austin Community College (ACC) and the University of Texas at Austin.
What is the goal?
The goal of the FLC is for participants to learn more about global issues, enrich their courses by incorporating global learning into their courses—and share what they’ve learned about globalizing curricula with their ACC faculty peers.
What happens at FLC meetings?
Participants will be treated to lectures from experts in a variety of global topics. They will have the chance to engage with these experts and their FLC colleagues during question-and-answer sessions and will be given time to develop equity-minded projects that bring global content to their classrooms.
What are the obligations for an FLC participant?
Participants are expected to attend a three-hour virtual meeting each month (usually on the 2nd Friday) from September through May. During this time participants will develop a project that showcases how they will bring a global perspective into one or more of their classes. During the May session, each participant will present their project to the group. In addition, participants will be required to submit a blog post about their experience and present it to colleagues outside of the FLC cohort.
What’s in it for me?
In addition to the wealth of knowledge faculty will gain from the experience, faculty who attend all the meetings, complete their projects and presentations, and submit their blog post, will receive a stipend of $1,250 ($500 in December and $750 in June).
More Info
The focus for the 2024 – 2025 FLC cohort is Globalizing Curriculum within the framework of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. This cohort is limited to 20 participants and will engage with experts on global topics from the five Hemispheres regions (Europe; Russia, East Europe, and Eurasia; South Asia; Middle East; and Latin America). It’s a collaborative and supportive environment that gives faculty opportunities to share their passion for teaching with other motivated educators.
Regardless of what you teach, you CAN bring global issues into your classroom. If you’d like to learn how and become a part of a team of ACC faculty working on this endeavor, please join us!
Applications for the 2024-2025 cohort is closed. Please check back in March 2025 for information about applying to the 2025-2026 cohort.
If you have any questions, please email Sharon Miller at [email protected].
International Studies Research Lab
The International Studies Research Lab is an intensive summer program that provides faculty the time and resources to develop a paper or project that aims to their curricula and institutions.
Interested faculty can submit an application through the ISRL website. Funding opportunities might be available from the University of Illinois and/or ACC International Programs.