Coping with COVID-19: Navigating Through a Pandemic with Peyton

Former Peer Money Mentor, Peyton, talks about her experience during this pandemic. She also mentions how the Peer Money Mentor Program (PMMP) has prepared her for emergencies:

“I have really bad asthma and so I had to take off of work for the last couple months and I don’t know when I can go back. This is literally the scenario we discussed in class when we talked about saving enough money to be able to survive without work for a few months. 

Last semester, I was living paycheck to paycheck and struggled paying for food. Now, I have $3,000 saved after being gone from my job for 2 months. I really don’t think I could’ve done this without everything I learned from PMMP.

Former Peer Money Mentor, Peyton W.

Quarantine has been really rough. I’m only leaving the house to get groceries or pick up food. Personally, it’s been really emotionally challenging having nothing to do all day. I live with my girlfriend who is still working and when she’s at work, I sleep until I can go up for her break, which is typically around 4pm. It’s hard to find motivation to do anything when we can’t really do anything.  I’m just barely going to pass both of my classes this semester. I’m going to take the summer off to focus on myself and just take it easy during this time. 

I would really just advise that students take advantage of the resources ACC offers. I was able to get $1,200 from their Cares fund and it really helps when I’m not working. ACC can show [students] where to get help from their community.”

Here is a helpful website with a list of community resources, from COVID-19 information to basic needs.

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