Borrow Technology for the Semester

Student Technology Services makes available various types of technology that can be checked out to support student success. Device may be checked out for up-to an academic semester. All devices are expected to be returned promptly when the device is due.

Prerequisite: Students must have claimed their ACCeID and setup their ACCMail account before requesting technology. For assistance with completing these tasks, please review:

iPad Loaner Program

  • ACC offers iPad kits on loan for your school use and some online testing. Each iPad kit includes:
  • iPad and case
  • Bluetooth keyboard
  • Charging brick
  • Charging cables for both the iPad and keyboard

Important: There are some limitations for taking exams when using an iPad.

  • Proctored tests administered by ACC Live Proctoring cannot be taken on an iPad.
  • Tests secured by Respondus LockDown Browser or proctored through Respondus Monitor do work on an iPad.
  • Tests administered directly within Blackboard do work on an iPad.

Check with your professor to confirm whether an iPad is compatible with their method of testing

Additional Technology for Check Out

In addition to iPad kits, the following technologies are available to checkout.

  • Webcams
  • USB microphones
  • Calculators (scientific and graphing) – *Calculators only available at HLC
  • Headsets (USB and 3.5mm)

Laptop computers are available in limited quantities to CAD, GIS, and Game Design students who receive pre-approval from their department.

Please note that quantities of devices may vary by location.

How to Check out Technology

Note: Devices cannot be shipped to students – all devices must be picked up from one of the on-campus technology distribution locations.

Step 1: Go to a technology distribution location

Go to an open Computer Center or alternate technology pickup location. Hours of operation can be found here.

Note: Students are required to show their ACC Student ID to check out technology. It is ACC policy for students to display their ACC Student ID card at all times while on campus. Information on how to obtain a Student ID

Step 2: Fill out a Device Checkout Agreement

All students checking out technology from ACC are required to sign a Device Checkout Agreement. This agreement is 100% online and will be completed when you arrive to check out a device. Once the agreement is complete, show the confirmation screen to a staff member.

Step 3: Receive your device

After completing the Device Checkout Agreement in the Computer Center or alternate technology distribution, a staff member will provide you with the device that you need.

Having Someone Else Pick Up Technology For You

If students are not able to come to a campus to pick up a device on their own, they can follow the process below to have someone pick up a device on their behalf.

Note: It may take up to 1 business day for a proxy request to be approved. Proxies will not be able to pick up a device until the request is approved.

Step 1: Provide Proxy Information

The student needing technology must submit a request to have someone pick up technology on their behalf.

Submit a proxy request here

Note: Students must log in using their ACC email address to complete this request form.

Step 2: Fill out a Device Checkout Agreement

After receiving the information above, you will receive an email response with a link to complete the required Device Checkout Agreement. This must be completed before a device will be issued.

Step 3: Forward Completed Agreement

After completing the Device Checkout Agreement, you will receive an email with the completed Agreement. Forward a copy of the completed Agreement to the person picking up a device for you. They will need this information when picking up your device.

Step 4: Device Pickup

Once you have forwarded your completed Device Checkout Agreement to the person picking up your device, that person can go to any of the open distribution locations listed above.

Note: Any individual picking up a device on behalf of another person must bring the following items:

  • Copy of the completed Device Checkout Agreement (paper copy or electronic copy)
  • Photo ID that matches the information provided in Step 1 above.

Failure to bring these items will result in being turned away.

Device Extension Requests

Extensions may be requested by submitting this request form. Requests for an extension will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Back to Top
  • Get Technology Help

    • Request support by email
    • Request support by chat: Use the purple chat button at the bottom of this page.
    • Request support by phone: 512-223-4636 (option 8)
  • Hours of Operation

    • Monday-Thursday: 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
    • Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
    • Saturday: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
    • Sunday: Closed
  • Student Help Desk

  • The Student Help Desk can provide support/information on any non-technical topics related to the student experience at ACC. 
    Student Help Desk

  • Student Knowledge Base

  • The Student Technology Knowledge Base provides help articles and videos to support students 24/7. 

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