Welcome to the Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation Campus Center (TRHT) at ACC, a partnership with our community to build cross-racial relationships that lead to racial healing and an exploration of ways to transform the college and community for greater inclusion, belonging and success for all persons.
ACC is one of ten universities nationwide to be named a campus center in a multi-year initiative to educate, prepare, and inspire the next generation of leaders to break down all unjust disparities. Together, we are changing the racial narrative for all persons in Central Texas.
To create and distribute new complex and complete narratives that can influence people’s perspectives, perceptions, and behaviors about and toward one another.
Racial Healing
Healing a societal racial divide requires recognition of the need to acknowledge the wrongs of the past while addressing the consequences of those wrongs and developing pathways to the future for all persons.
Embracing racial healing and uprooting the conscious and unconscious beliefs regarding the value of humans that limits equal access to education, employment, housing, and health care for all persons.
Vision, Mission & Goals
Determine and examine the causes of racial disparities and disproportionality in disciplinary outcomes across P-16 institutions and eliminate them.
Determine and examine the causes of racial disparities and disproportionality in academic outcomes across P-16 institutions and eliminate them.
Determine and examine the causes of racial disparities and disproportionality in regional criminal justice outcomes and eliminate them.
The Truth Racial Healing and Transformation Center will focus on eliminating racial and generational trauma of all people and its long-term deleterious impacts on the community.
Austin Community College (ACC) envisions a community where race, ethnicity, and other human differences are no longer predictors of success and well-being in any sector of the community. This includes the elimination of barriers (policies, practices, attitudes, and cultural messages) that reinforce differential outcomes by race.