Transfer Essentials Workshops

Transfer Services offers a series of workshops, university panels, and live chat hours to answer your transfer questions and prepare you for a successful transfer to a 4-year university. All current and former ACC students interested in transferring are encouraged to attend. In addition, while these workshops are designed for students, families are always welcome to attend. Scroll down to see upcoming sessions and workshop descriptions.

January Workshops

Smart Start to Your Bachelor’s Degree Friday,
January 24
11:00am – 12:00pm Join Session Here
Transfer Essay Workshop Tuesday,
January 28
3:30 – 4:30pm Join Session Here
Transfer Services’ Spotlight : Learning Lab Wednesday,
January 29
3:00 – 3:30pm Join Session Here
January Workshop Dates

February Workshops

Transfer Week February 10 -14 Transfer Week Website
Transfer Services’ Spotlight : Student Life February 5 3:00 – 3:30pm Join Session Here
Transfer Services’ Spotlight : Financial Aid Wednesday,
February 12
3:00 – 3:30pm Join Session Here
Transfer Services’ Spotlight :
Service Learning
February 19
3:00 – 3:30pm Join Session Here
Transfer Services’ Spotlight :
Money Management
February 26
3:00 – 3:30pm Join Session Here
February Workshop Dates

March Workshops

March Workshop Dates

April Workshops

April Workshop Dates

May Workshops

May Workshop Dates

June Workshops

June Workshop Dates

July Workshops

July Workshop Dates

August Workshops

Transfer Fundamentals Monday, August 5 12:00 PM Join Session Here
The Transfer Application Process Monday, August 5 11:00 AM Join Session Here
Walk-in Application Assistance Tuesday, August 6 10:00 AM-3:00 PM Highland Campus, Room 4.1110.0 Career and Transfer Center
Transfer Essay Writing Wednesday, August 7 1:00 PM Join Session Here
Live Transfer Chat Friday, August 9 1:00 PM-3:00 PM Join Session Here
Transfer Fundamentals Monday, August 12 6:30 PM Join Session Here
Transfer Essay Writing Friday, August 16 10:00 AM Join Session Here
Live Transfer Chat Friday, August 23 1:00 PM-3:00 PM Join Session Here
August Workshop Dates

September Workshops

Transfer Week September 9 – 13 Transfer Week Website
Find the Right University for YOU! Monday, September 9 10:00 AM Join Session Here
Smart Start to a Bachelor’s Degree Monday, September 9 6:00 PM Join Session Here
Transferring to Out-of-State Universities Tuesday, September 10 3:00 PM Join Session Here
Strengthening Your Holistic Application  Wednesday, September 11 1:00 PM Join Session Here
How to Use Transfer Guides Workshop Thursday, September 12 3:00 PM Join Session Here
September Workshop Dates

October Workshops

Smart Start to a Bachelor’s Degree Tuesday, October 1 11:00 AM Join Session Here
The Transfer Application Process Wednesday, October 16 3:00 PM Join Session Here
Live Transfer Chat Friday, October 18 1:00-2:30 PM Join Session Here
Strengthening Your Holistic Application  Monday, October 28 10:00 AM Join Session Here
University Transfer Panel: Online Degrees and Programs
Participating Universities: Bellevue University, Park University, Texas Tech University and WGU
Wednesday, October 30 6:00 – 7:00pm Join Session Here
October Workshop Dates

November Workshops

Live Transfer Chat Friday, November 1 1:00-2:30 PM Join Session Here
Applying to a Competitive University Thursday, November 7 12:00 PM Join Session Here
Smart Start to a Bachelor’s Degree Friday, November 15 11:00 AM Join Session Here
Transfer Essay Writing Monday, November 18 6:00 PM Join Session Here
Live Transfer Chat Friday, November 22 1:00-2:30pm Join Session Here
November Workshop Dates

Workshop Descriptions

Applying to a Competitive University

Are you thinking about applying to a competitive or highly selective university in the future? In this session you will learn how to use your time at ACC to improve your chances at getting in.

Find the Right University for You

Finding a university that meets your educational needs, supports your future goals, and where you fit in will lead to success. This presentation covers factors to consider when researching potential transfer universities.

Live Transfer Chat

Planning to transfer and have a quick question? Transfer Specialists will be available to answer your questions via Zoom at scheduled times throughout the semester.

Transfer Services Spotlight

This engaging session will highlight one of ACC’s key departments dedicated to transfer success! Learn about the personalized support, tools, and services available and how they support your transfer and academic goals. This session will equip you with valuable insights to make your time at ACC and your future transfer a success.

Smart Start to a Bachelor’s Degree

This presentation provides a general overview of how and when to start planning your transfer (hint: now!) and the resources available at ACC to support a successful transfer. Learn what you need to know to help you get a smart start on the path to your bachelor’s degree.

Strengthening Your Holistic Application

This session will explain the components of a holistic transfer application that many competitive universities (like The University of Texas at Austin) require. Learn about ACC resources available to help make your application stand out amongst a competitive applicant pool.

Transfer Application Process

Transfer applications can be intimidating. When do you need to start? Which application should you fill out? What needs to be submitted? Learn about the application process to ensure you submit a complete application on time.

Transfer Essay Writing

Many universities require essays as part of your transfer application. We will review common transfer essay application prompts, provide guidance to help select a topic that will show the university admissions committee why you should be accepted, and provide tips and resources to help you write a quality essay.

Transfer Fundamentals

Are you considering beginning your path to a bachelor’s degree at ACC but unsure how transfer from a community college works? This presentation will provide information to help you make an informed decision and answer some frequently asked questions.

Transfer + Success Workshop

ACC’s Transfer Services department and Success Coaches share tips on how to be successful while at ACC and how to set yourself up for a seamless transfer.

University Transfer Panels

Still exploring transfer opportunities? Join representatives from area universities for a panel discussion and Q&A on transfer admissions, application tips, and detailed information about their institutions. Topics vary from general transfer information to major specific panels.

Walk-in Application Assistance Events

ACC’s Transfer Services team will be on site to help you fill out your transfer applications. No appointment is necessary on these scheduled dates.

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