Brandon Roberts | Transfer Specialist |
Cyndi Fleming | Transfer Specialist |
Ram Vela | Transfer Specialist |
Victor Gonzalez | Transfer Specialist |
Christine Gonzales | Career & Transfer Center Assistant |
Jae’Den Riggs | Career & Transfer Center Assistant |
Susie Moreno | Career & Transfer Center Assistant |
Sharmeen Ahmed | Transfer Outreach & Reports Coordinator |
Iraida Garcia | Transfer Resources Coordinator |
Marisa Rodriguez Serrano | Transfer Services Manager |
Renee Esparza | Transfer Services Director |
Preparing for your transfer appointment
Transferring into ACC? Visit our Transfer to ACC page.
Here are some tips to make the best of your upcoming appointment:
Knowing the career you want to pursue can help you decide what to major in and which universities might be best to help you meet your career goals. ACC’s Career Services provides strategic career guidance, assessments, resources, and programs to help students strengthen academic and career goals, and establish career plans. Visit to learn more.
Planning a successful transfer includes exploration of potential transfer destinations, their programs, and admissions requirements.
ACC offers resources and information to help find the best university for you. We recommend downloading our Transfer Research Worksheet, attending a Transfer Academy: Transfer Essentials or
Getting Interactive sessions, and/or visiting Big Future, a search engine that allows you to filter universities by location, major, course modality, distance from home, and more to help identify universities in which you will thrive.
Course selection should be discussed with your advisor. Your ACC Area of Study advisor will help you select courses that will transfer and apply toward your major and degree. Meet with them often, and make sure to ask any and all questions you have about your transfer plans. Find out more about advising services at the Area of Study Advising website.
Career and Transfer Specialists are available to review essay drafts with you one-on-one to ensure they address prompts and are reflective of you as a student. We can help brainstorm essay topics based on your experiences, educational goals, and values. Our Learning Lab is available for assistance with grammatical review. Starting your essays early will ensure enough time for adequate review.
Transfer Application Assistance
If you are working on your university transfer application, our team can help. Come prepared with your application (e.g. ApplyTexas or Coalition) log-in so we can guide you through the application; and your MyACC log in available in order to easily access required information like completed hours, GPA, and enrolled courses.