ACC Student Accessibility Services (SAS) provides accommodations for qualified students in ACC’s Adult Education and Continuing Education courses.
Whether you want to earn your high school equivalent (GED), jump start a new career, take courses to help with college preparation, or take a class just for fun, take a look at the information below to choose which program best meets your needs.
Regardless of how long you’ve been out of school, services may be available to you. While SAS requires documentation of a disability, your history of receiving accommodations, taking special education classes, or receiving modifications in high school will help us determine your eligibility for services.
Please review the options below and choose the one that is most relevant to you.
I have current documentation for my disability.
Great, please review our documentation guidelines and submit your documentation along with our application for services.
The documentation for my disability is no longer current.
Don’t worry, you still may be able to receive services. Please email [email protected] for further assistance.
I think I may qualify for accommodations, but I don't have documentation of a disability.
When you were in school, did a teacher ever tell you that you had a disability?
Were you in special education? Did you go to ARD meetings with your parents? Were you a 504 student? Did you attend classes or tests in a different room (resource room)?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, contact [email protected] for additional help.
If you answered “no” to all of these questions, please contact [email protected] to set up a meeting to talk about your next steps.
If you are interested in being evaluated for a disability, please refer to the Evaluation Resource list.
Adult Education (AE) Students
(High School Equivalency/GED, Career Pathways, College Preparation)
If you need accommodations for your adult education/GED classes, complete the application steps or email [email protected].
Accommodations for students with disabilities
Whether you’ve been out of school for a long period or short time, services may be available to you. While SAS requires documentation of a disability, your history of receiving accommodations, taking special education classes, or receiving modifications in high school will help us determine your eligibility for services.
Apply for SAS services
Documentation Guidelines
Visit Adult Education.
Accommodations for Adult Education program orientation sessions and classes must be requested at least two weeks in advance.
CASAS is a placement test required for Adult Education programs. Once your SAS advocate determines your testing accommodation, please contact Adult Education assessment [email protected] so our staff can make arrangements for your testing accommodation on your scheduled testing date and time.
Accommodations for the GED® exam or other high school equivalency tests must be approved by the testing organization (not ACC) and can take up to six weeks.
For questions contact email [email protected].
Continuing Education (CE) Students
For specific information about CE registration, courses, and general questions, please visit Continuing Education answers or email [email protected].
If you need accommodations for your CE classes, please complete the application steps or email [email protected].
STEPS = Skills, Training and Education for Personal Success
STEPS is a program for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities who want to gain skills to enter the workforce or further develop their education. STEPS provides a wealth of support to help adults achieve their goals. Working together with agencies and schools, we provide comprehensive support throughout this two-year program, leading toward increased independence and employability. STEPS offers many levels of support, choices, and plans for students.
Students must complete an application and intake with the STEPS program before being admitted into STEPS.
For questions about STEPS, email [email protected].
Accommodations for students with disabilities
Apply for SAS services
Documentation Guidelines