Accessibility Services FAQs

General Questions

Is there a special college application or other enrollment assistance for students with disabilities?

All students complete the ACC application. Visit the College Destination Center if you need help completing the application or have specific enrollment questions.

Do I get preferred or early registration as a student with a disability?

Students with disabilities register at the same time as other students. In order to ensure you get the classes you want, we recommend meeting with your advisor to plan your classes early, so you can register as soon as registration opens, see registration dates.

SAS can help you build your schedule after you have met with your advisor.

Are students with a disability exempt from taking the TSI?

No. All students, including those with disabilities who do not meet the state requirement for college readiness must take the TSI.  There are some exemptions based on previous test scores.  Review TSI exemptions.

I qualify for a deaf/blind tuition waiver, but was charged the full tuition. Why?

Students who have a tuition waiver must maintain a 2.0 GPA, and/or a 50 percent completion rate and/or not have in excess of 90 hours of college credit for the waiver to continue.

I have a tuition waiver, but have a balance due for my classes. Why do I owe money?

Your tuition waiver covers tuition and fees, but may not cover other charges for registration including first day books, and other costs associated with your classes. You are responsible for paying any outstanding monies by the posted tuition deadline.  Please log in to Online Services to check for any outstanding balance due.

English is my second language and I need more time on my tests. Can I apply for accommodations?

English as a second language is not, in and of itself, considered a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act, so ACC does not provide accommodations for ESL students. If English is your second language and you also have a disability, you may apply for accommodations.

Learn more about ESL classes.

What if I have a complaint?

ACC is fully committed to complying with all requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, as Amended 2010 (ADAAA) and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (section 504) and providing equal education­al opportunities to otherwise qualified students with disabilities.

Complaint procedure
Follow the student complaint procedure if you believe you have been subjected to discrimination based on your disability or denied access or accommodations required by law.

Does information about my disability appear on my official ACC transcript?

No, your disability information is not part of your official transcript.

Does Student Accessibility Services provide tutoring?

No. ACC does offer tutoring through the Learning Lab, and Academic Coaching is available to help students.

I'm pregnant. Do I qualify for services?

Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, including pregnancy, miscarriage, abortion, and other pregnancy loss. Students can request Title IX accommodations through the College’s Title IX Coordinator. More information regarding these rights can be found here. If you have been diagnosed with a disability related to pregnancy, miscarriage, abortion, or other pregnancy loss, then students can register with SAS to establish accommodations.

I have a service animal. What do I do?

You may have your service animal with you anytime or in any place while you are on an ACC campus or property. Your use of a service animal at ACC is covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Service animals are considered an extension of your person. Therefore, ACC does not require any official documentation or formal approval for you to have your animal with you while on campus.

Note that under ADA regulations, a service animal is defined as a dog or a miniature horse that has been individually trained to perform specific tasks that are directly related to your disability. 

If you have additional questions about service animals, please email [email protected].

For accommodations, please complete Student Accessibility Services’ application for services.

I have an emotional support animal. What do I need to do?

Emotional support, therapy or comfort animals are not fully protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and do not have the same access rights to ACC campuses or property as service animals.

You may request an emotional support, therapy or comfort animal as an accommodation modification under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. SAS staff will consider your request on a case by case basis.

If you wish to discuss a request for an emotional support, therapy, or comfort animal accommodation or have further questions, please email [email protected].

How are accommodations in college different from those I received in high school?

Modifications in high school are provided to the student in order to be successful in their classes. In college, accommodations are provided to students in order to be able to access their course materials.

For instance, modifications in high school may have included taking away two answers on a four answer multiple choice question, or being able to take a multiple choice test instead of writing an essay.

In college, there are no modifications or adjustments to the curriculum or testing that may be made if they would alter the essential requirements of the course. For instance, if you are taking English Composition, you must write an essay to pass the class. You would not be approved to substitute this test with another type of test.

How do I get accessible parking at ACC?

All students must purchase a valid ACC parking permit in addition to their valid ADA placard in order to legally park in the designated accessible parking places on campus.

ACC does waive the parking permit fee for disabled veterans who own a vehicle with a state-issued license plate designation of “disabled veteran.” Qualifying students and employees must provide the Cashier Office with a Texas Department of Motor Vehicles’ receipt showing the plate type of “Disabled Veteran.”

Accommodation Questions

What do I do if I need an interpreter?

If you will need a sign language interpreter for any activity at ACC, you will need to submit your request at least 72 hours in advance.

What do I do if my instructor does not provide my approved accommodations?

If your instructors are not providing your accommodations as they are listed on your accommodation letters, please contact [email protected] as soon as possible.  

Does Student Accessibility Services loan accessibility equipment?

SAS can provide audio recorders, document enlargers, and other accessible technology if available.  Please contact [email protected] for more information.

What do I do if I'm unsure whether I want to use my approved accommodations?

Go ahead and pick up your letters and give them to your instructors at the start of the semester. Even if you are not sure whether you will want or need to use your accommodations later in the semester, it is better to have them in place ahead of time rather than waiting until it might be too late.

I didn't request my semester accommodations and failed a test. Can I retake the exam with accommodations if I get the letters?

Since accommodations are not retroactive, we strongly encourage students to request their accommodations at the beginning of the semester and provide their letters to their instructors as soon as possible. Your accommodations are active once the instructor has your notice of approved accommodations. 

How do I get accommodations for the HSE/GED?

View information about accommodations for HSE/GED classes at Student Accessibility Services – Adult & Continuing Education.

Accommodations for the actual HSE/GED test must be requested from the GED testing site

Disability Questions

What should I do if I have a diagnosis, but I'm not sure whether I qualify for services?

We encourage you to complete the SAS application for services and upload your disability documentation. Then you will meet with a SAS staff member to discuss your individual needs.

I think I have a disability. Can ACC test me?

ACC does not do any testing, please review our Evaluation Resources list

Do I have to disclose my disability to my instructor?

Generally speaking, you are under no obligation to discuss the specifics of your disability with your instructors. However, you are welcome to share any information about your disability and the impact it may have on you in the classroom to help your instructor understand the barriers to access you may have. 

I'm transferring to another college. How do I transfer services?

Each college has its own disability services office, and you will want to work with them to receive services.  If you need a copy of the documentation you provided to ACC, please email [email protected], include a copy of picture ID (ACC ID, drivers license, etc.) and request that we send you a copy of your records.

Testing Questions

Are there accommodations for the TSI?

Yes, but they are limited since the TSI is a placement test. The TSI is untimed and allows for students to take each section separately, so you can test over a period of days if necessary. The TSI has a pop-up calculator for certain questions. If you need a reader for the test, SAS can provide that to you. If you think you may need additional accommodations, please contact [email protected].

Is the TSI test modified for students with disabilities?

Students with disabilities can receive accommodations for the TSI, but the test is not modified.

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