You may be eligible for more money to pay for college if your financial situation has changed. ACC’s financial aid representatives can review these changes and help you update your FAFSA application. This process is called a Student Aid Index (SAI) Appeal.
Examples of Qualifying Circumstances
- Death of a spouse or parent
- Disability
- End of benefits, such as unemployment, child support, etc.
- Family business closure
- One-time income, such as severance pay, rollovers, capital gains, emergency withdrawals from retirement accounts, etc.
- Separation or divorce
- Significant reduction in household earnings
- Unusual medical expenses paid by student, spouse, or parent
This is not a complete list. If you think you might qualify for a SAI Appeal, contact any campus Financial Aid Office to discuss your eligibility.
Note: If your Student Aid Index (SAI) is 0, you cannot qualify for a SAI Appeal.
How to Request a SAI Appeal
Follow these steps to submit a SAI Appeal (Special Circumstances Form):
- Complete the financial aid application steps for the current school year. You must have a FAFSA application on file before you can submit a SAI Appeal.
- Contact the Financial Aid Office to discuss your circumstances and eligibility. We are here to help in-person or online. Appointments are available but not required.
- Submit the SAI Appeal forms on your StudentForms portal. (TASFA students will be provided with a paper Appeal form.)
- Submit additional documentation online to support your case. Required supporting documents may include:
- Tax returns for applicable years
- Signed letter from employers stating the beginning and end date (if applicable) of employment, hours worked per week, and hourly wage rate
- Copies of the most recent pay stub from all employers for the current year
- Last Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) and DD Form 214 (Military consideration)
Timeline for Review
Once you’ve turned in all of the documents we’ve requested for your SAI Appeal, then we will review your Appeal within about 10 business days and send a notification of approval or denial to your ACC email account.
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